267-987-8235 [email protected]

Give your helping hand to those who need it

Help BTCF help these children

Help BTCF help these children

Help BTCF help these children

Help BTCF help these children

Help BTCF help these children

Clean and Safe Drinking Water

Maintaining healthy, happy environments is an important, and often neglected part of aid work. BTCF works hard to provide the local community  with clean and safe drinking water system.

Meeting with the VP of Liberia

BTCF is registered in Liberia and in the USA providing opportunities for Children. The founder and CEO Madam Edith T. Poah meets with Hon. Joseph Boakai, VP of Liberia.


Empty stomachs hurt. They break concentration and make the future seem impossible. Giving food is essential to creating health.


“If you teach a man to fish…” Education gives everyone the tools they need to succeed through their lives. These are school age children they need the opportunities to go to school. Our goal is the help them.

Our Mission

At BTCF (Bless The Children Foundation (NGO) we aim to help children with special needs in Africa to become self-reliant and responsible people when they become adults. We make provisions to meet their basic needs -food, shelter, clothing, health, educational opportunities, counseling and many more.

In a country like Liberia where the 14-year civil war had an enormous devastation, we commit ourselves to help the children rebuild their hopes and self-esteem that have been damaged or lost….

Liberia Flag


American Flag

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